Saturday, August 29, 2009


The other day, my brother informed me that I was using a colon in a way that might come across as rude. “I find that colons are powerful beyond our understanding,” he told me in an instant message. “We are but mere mortals to their punctuatory (not a word) greatness.”

Anyone who knows me knows that I love a made up word. I collect them in my mental dictionary and use them regularly as if they were normal parts of the English language.

Now I have punctuatory.

Mike (my brother) offered the following definition:

Punctuatory, adj:

1)   of or relating to punctuation

2)   a type of weather-predicting groundhog in a parallel universe

“This student’s semicolon usage constitutes a punctuatory disaster!”

“Punctuatory Phil emerged from his hole today and saw his shadow. We can expect thirty more years of global warming.”

And there you have it. I bring you the important news.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Beach Bouquet

Just a quick note about this past weekend.

I went to the beach, and it was lovely. Since we live in Florida, we have the option of going to either the Atlantic or the Gulf, and we normally choose the Gulf. It’s very relaxing there, and that’s exactly what we needed.

My skin is about as pale as a sheet of notebook paper, so I’m not usually the type to romp around in the sun, but I still love to lie back in the warmth and listen to the waves.

Yesterday my dad and I sat in chairs on the sand while my mom and my husband swam in the water. After a while, Rob walked up to me, dripping wet, and handed me a very nice arrangement of odd sea-things. He told me it was a gift that he and my mom had made for me out in the water. It was a bouquet.


I loved it.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Welcome back.

Hello, world. It’s been a while.

I promised myself I’d take a pseudo-break from blogging, etc., and that went well. But now it’s time to come back. I was getting a little tired of being quiet.

While I was on blogging break, several things happened. Let me catch you up on a few events:

I bought an iPhone. 

I got married.

I visited New York.
And I started settling into married life. Still working on that one.  J  It’s a ton of fun so far, but I can’t get used to the words “husband” or “wife.” Those are for grownups only, I thought!

If you follow Funnel Productions (Creepy Luny Inn, Transition Village, Man of the People), you’ll know there’s another fun experience afoot, and of course that means I can’t comment about it here. Just know I’m quite busy with a very fun project that just started, and I’m having a ball with it, as usual. More about that in the future.

Oh – other news: I fell in love with the Southern Vampire Series (Sookie Stackhouse/ TrueBlood), though I haven’t yet seen the HBO episodes. In July, author Charlaine Harris came to Gainesville, and my mom and I got the chance to see her speak. She’s just as funny and likeable in person as she in on the page. That was such a thrill.

What has everyone else been up to?