Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It’s been a whirlwind day, so I’ll keep this short.

I’ll be interviewed as a guest on Kim Smith’s radio show on BlogTalkRadio Wednesday, February 4. More details to come!

It’s nearly February, which means I need to finish up with my plotting for the novel I plan to work on that month. The problem is, though, that I have a couple of ideas, and it’s a bit difficult to choose between them. Maybe tomorrow I’ll magically become more decisive. But let’s not hold our breath.

I went with my family today to meet with a possible caterer for my wedding. We haven’t made our final choice yet, but the lunch was great!

That seems like everything. Back to the whirlwind I go.

(by the way, for anyone who was confused by yesterday’s post, please check out the link at the bottom!)

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