Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chocolate and Shakespeare

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

I know not everybody likes this holiday. To tell the truth, I’ve never cared much for it myself – except I do like the candy. ☺

This morning, though, my fiancé gave me a card that was addressed “To My Wife.” He’d written “to-be” underneath the word “Wife.” Suddenly I realized I was going to have to get used to that word: wife. It was exciting and sweet and weird all at once.

Then he gave me chocolate, and I started thinking about that instead. ☺ It was a nice way to begin the morning.

Today is also special because it’s the start of the Amway Shakespeare Opportunity’s Twitter of the Shrew – a Twitter-based adaptation of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew. There are 19 different Twitter accounts to follow (#tots), and each player’s lines are condensed (though still true to the first folio lines) to fit Twitter’s 140-character limits.

For those Shakespeare fans who know Shrew very well, please note that TotS is not including the “play without a play” section that stars Sly & Co. This is the main cast story.

It’s a fascinating adventure, and one that I’m very honored to be a part of. Brian Feldman is the genius behind it all. Last night as we were proofreading his scene one together, complete with emoticons and links to obscure references – even amusing jokes hidden within – I sent a quick IM to tell him, “seriously, Brian, this is genius.”

Those who follow the separate accounts will find distinct personalities in each character – and may even get a better feel for all the fun that Shakespeare’s plays can bring.

There will be one scene tweeted per day over a span of twelve days, so please be sure to check it out and let us know your thoughts.

Well, there you have it. Whether today is Valentine’s Day or Singles’ Awareness Day or OMG I’m Going to Be a Wife Day, there are two special things that are certain to make it a day of epic win:

Chocolate and Shakespeare.

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