Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Novels, Radios, and Secret Projects

Things have been really busy here, and it’s great.

In addition to my new novel, I’m also working on a project that’s running on another website right now (details about that after it’s over). That project takes quite a lot of time and energy, and last weekend I spent several hours running from one place to another, writing, editing, recording, delivering files, and occasionally banging my head against the wall.

It’s always great to experience the finished product, though, when it finally comes together. That makes it all worth it.

Speaking of finished products, From Light to Dark is doing great at Wild Child Publishing. It has been out less than one month, and in that time I have seen it climb the genre Bestsellers lists (for Fantasy and Young Adult) on their site. It’s a great honor to be rising closer to the top of their fantasy/young adult readership in such a short amount of time!

In other news, I’ll be a guest next month on The Funky Writer’s BlogTalkRadio show! Update to come as the time and date are finalized.

That’s all for now! Back to work over here.

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